Prefects Investiture
Prefects’ Investiture - Honouring Our Leaders
On 20 February 2024, Bendemeer Primary School held our Prefects’ Investiture Ceremony, celebrating the leadership journey of our P3 to P6 prefects and the Executive Committee (EXCO) prefects for 2024. Embracing the theme ‘Shaping Leaders through Good Habits', the ceremony emphasised our dedication to fostering leadership through positive daily behaviours and the embodiment of our ASPIRE (Adaptability, Self-discipline, Passion, Integrity, Resilience, Empathy) values.

Head Prefect, Palanivelu Laukshana, led the Prefectorial Board in reciting the Prefect’s Oath, reaffirming their commitment to lead with honour. The meticulous selection of our prefects highlights our dedication to cultivating leaders who are instrumental in fostering a vibrant and resilient school community.

A heartfelt moment unfolded during the EXCO Prefect Tie-pinning Ceremony, as each prefect paid tribute to a teacher who had profoundly influenced their journey, highlighting the significant student-teacher bond. This year, expressions of gratitude took the form of personal letters, adding an extra layer of poignancy to the appreciation for these inspirational educators.
Upon reflection of this year's ceremony, we are reminded of the impactful blend of mentorship, leadership, and the pursuit of excellence. Moving forward, Bendemeer Primary is excited to support both our new and existing prefects, drawing inspiration from the shining examples set by their predecessors. As we continue to uphold our ASPIRE values within our school, community, and beyond, we are excited for the journey ahead!